「鄰近之間的舵手The Navigators of Intimate Proximities」____震盪和燃燒、間隙的圖像分式、迷路指南
3.它在碎片中思考,就像是現實是碎片一樣,只有通過穿過縫隙,而不是通過撫平它們,才能獲得統一。__阿多諾 «文學筆記»
Artist Statement Peng, Yu-Tzu
The Navigators of Intimate Proximities_______
Oscillations and Combustions, Methods for Discerning Imagery in Intervals, A Guide to Getting Lost
This exhibition aims to transform the thinking process into visual cognition. One part stems from a sense of what is lost when a work, after repeated contemplation, manipulation, and transformation, finally becomes a finished piece. Throughout this process, these thoughts are continually referenced, yet often imperceptible in the final work, becoming diluted in the flow of thinking. Another part comes from categorizing the emotions I perceive, because emotions are indispensable in the process of perception, but what shape do these emotions take? Through this exhibition, I hope to conduct a sensory image fraction of my collected emotional database, exploring connections and symbolism between them. This isn't merely subjective emotion, but rather an epistemic one—understood through deconstruction, juxtaposition, loosening, complexification, and even alienation. By inducing a temporary stasis in thought, the exhibition evokes a practice of getting lost in reading paths. The artworks become a guide to getting lost in the hands of the audience. Symbols and structures anchor the subject, establishing a visual piece akin to prose. Responding to the exhibition title's "proximity" and "navigators," it's more about navigating multiple purposeful paths, a proximity of multiple routes I collect objects from my surroundings—photographing, depicting, and writing about them. These become subjects for repeated contemplation, explored, gently probed, and examined from various angles. I record the emotions observed during moments of reflection and writing. In a weighty database, these are touched with varying intensities of form. This method of discussion deeply fascinates me, and I don't foresee an end to such discourse.
The image collection here can also be interpreted as a map collection. Maps inherently possess a complex yet crucial procedure of precise notation. However, I lean more towards an associative concept map. I envision interweaving various arguments and feelings, like a tapestry, revealing the gradual construction of detailed changes in my thought process. Here, there's no chronological timeline, no scientific empirical evidence, no hierarchical objects. The focus is on the transmission of imagination.
In this exhibition, beyond the symbols and symbolism of objects, I believe it also points to a kind of suspended classification that belongs to me. It transcends conventional notions of right and wrong, embodying a universal concept. Classification serves as a foundation for association, rather than a limitation on it. In turn, association may challenge or even dissolve the initial classifications. Due to this fragmented nature, I see my utilized objects as "breadcrumbs." The associative process acts as a mental navigation, intensifying cognitive engagement. My role is simply to gather these elements and allow them to meander together.
1. Like a diary, each day offers something unique. This image diary captures the narrator's perspective and observations. Its capricious nature reflects the essence of a personal journal.
2. Over-interpretation, stagnation, loss of connection.
3. “It thinks in fragments, just as reality is fragmentary, and its unity in and through the breaks and not by glossing them over. An unequivocal logical order deceives us about the antagonistic nature of what that order is imposed upon.” — Theodor W. Adorno, “Notes to Literature”
Translated by RAY HE